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Our Theology

Wesleyan and Evangelical

 As a part of The Salvation Army, Eva Burrows College is Wesleyan and Evangelical in theology.

As Wesleyans we affirm God’s love for all people and the opportunity for every person to be radically transformed by an encounter with Jesus Christ.

Wesleyans place special emphasis on the Christian experience of salvation which includes not only forgiveness but also the dynamic power of a new way of living (holiness). Those who trust in Christ are given a deep assurance of their new found relationship with God and enabled to live a holy life marked by love for God and neighbour.

This holiness expresses itself in ways that lead to radically compassionate action in the world on behalf of others. To be a Wesleyan Evangelical means having a passionate commitment to the good news (the evangel) that in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ a way of reconciliation to God has been opened to all. This message is faithfully recorded in Holy Scripture and confirmed by the Holy Spirit.

Wesleyan Evangelicalism embodies a generous orthodoxy affirming the historic Christian faith of Christianity in its essentials but allowing diversity of opinion on non-essentials. While sound doctrine is important, Wesleyan Evangelicals insist that all doctrine must be tested by experience and made practical in service to the Church and the wider community.

The Wesleyan emphasis at Eva Burrows College penetrates the training it offers at every level —linking time-honoured theological perspectives with the radical cutting edge of the contemporary human situation.